Involvement Around Town
Want to help?
I am currently working on an art project surrounding Mental Health Awareness/Suicide Prevention. If you or someone you know has been impacted by mental illness/suicide, please take a few minutes to fill out a questionnaire-
Your email will not be collected, only your words could be used. Nothing is required to be filled out, simply put N/A if it doesn't pertain to you or you don't want to share.

Metro Area LOSS team
I am a part of the Metro Area LOSS team, offering support for those impacted by suicide.
The Kim Foundation, in partnership with the Nebraska State Suicide Prevention Coalition and Region 6 has established a Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS) Team in the Omaha Metro area.
The Kim Foundation strives to increase awareness around mental health and suicide prevention.
The Kim Foundation and Mick Manley speak to WOWT about the Holiday Suicides Stigma-Suicide Rates Go Down During the Holidays-watch the full story here
Learn More about the Kim Foundation Metro Area LOSS team
500 Millennials of Omaha
The creator of the only millennial focused social infrastructure in Omaha- 500 millennial's Facebook Group. Our mission is to be the online platform where Omaha-area millennial's exchange ideas and develop connections that will facilitate offline progress in our community.
I'm a member of Omaha mayor Jean Stothert's Millennial Advisory Committee. As a member of this committee, my goal is to provide input to the Mayor and City leadership about issues impacting the next generation of Omaha's citizens, leaders, and families and to encourage consideration of their viewpoint in public decision making.
Millennial Advisory Committee
Special Projects
Mick Manley worked closely with students from Beadle Middle School to recreate one of Frida Kahlo’s self portraits, all while helping the community. This project was not made out of your typical art materials, but made with something that fills up parks and cities… Trash!
This specific piece of art is called a relief sculpture. All of this art was made possible by all the students, parents and amazing art teachers at Beadle Middle School. Frida Kahlo will always be remembered for her strength, positivity, and amazing creativity. This art project has been in circulation all over Omaha for over 12 months! See the full blog post here.
Most recently, Mick and the students have been working on a new piece, Starry Night. This re-creation was also made out of recycled materials and was completed in November 2018. Starry night has been traveling around Omaha for the past 3 months.

Open Labs
Mick is an active member at Open Labs. Open Labs is a community of neurodiverse individuals who are committed to ending the stigma of mental illness and other brain conditions.